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Letter to friend Ian MacGillivray

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Dear Ian,

Sorry to be a little late in answering yours of the 19. Feb. I’ve been away at Cambridge on a German Army course and we have been having the usual merry go around of inspections exercises etc. Most of your letters are passed from hand to hand so we are all pretty well up to date on your activities. Sorry to hear you’re unhappy at the Lodge . I can understand what it must be like.

Scan of original letter

As you have read we have had a lot of changes  and in senior command recently and of course they all had to inspect us and say a few words. “Monty” was around too, was quite a thing to see him and hear him speak. According to him the invasion is going to be a cinch . Lets hope so anyway.  The King gave us the once over too. I missed it but perhaps it was just as well. They had to stand around for hours.

The news of my engagement must have reached you by this time. She is N/S Mary Freeman of Hamilton. At present with the 13 Canadian General. I don’t know whether you met her at our dance in the assembly Worthing or not? At any rate that’s where I met her. I know you’re curious about what sort of a girl she is so here are few of the dimensions – age 26 (5 days younger than I am) height 5.3, eyes blue (heavenly) teeth, white smooth even pearls (all her own) pug nose,  hair blond. Figure erraaow! Disposition – sweet generous loving. Very musical, plays the piano, sings like a bird,  can we harmonize! Athletic, plays tennis excellent swimmer rides horses, used to play ?  and was a track and field star.  She’s a surgical nurse , took me in the operating room one night to watch while she assisted at an appendectomy, she practically performed the whole operation herself. Honestly, she’s marvellous. Only I don’t know if she is a very good cook – anyway we can live on love. We’ve decide not to get married until after the war.


So long for now


March 16, 1944

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